Monday, May 19, 2008

You girls crack me up!

Ok ladies! So I've neglected the blog a wee bit. :) I'm baaaaaaaaaaaack!!
I'm not loving this warm weather right now because I have no summer clothes! I need to go shopping and I plan to tomorrow. I think I'll head up to Witchland after work and see what I can find.
I've officially had my second wedding nightmare now. In this lovely dream I woke up and realized it was the day of my wedding and there were a ton of things I forgot to do. I never went to my hair chick to plan how to do my hair and when I called her the morning of, I couldn't reach her. Also, the church in my dream was terribly decorated, the pews had Christmas bows on them and they weren't even in my colors! And the cherry on top was I found Dusty and he was completely hammered! OMG! So, the first nightmare I had a couple months ago, it was again the day OF the wedding and this time I was just about to walk down the aisle and realized my hair was soaking wet (what's up w/my hair always being an issue?) and I had forgotten to send out the invitations and there was hardly anyone there. Blah! I can only imagine how many more of these I'll have before the big day.
So back to reality, I've gathered everyone's lists (mine, Dusty's and our mothers lists) and started to freak out about how many people are on there. My reception venue only holds 250 I think. Dustin knows everybody in the world and then some! When I said we may have to trim the list a bit he said no way! Jeez!
Oh and congrats to my mother who on Friday evening graduated from WSU w/her Master's of Science in Nursing. Her official title now is Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (the closest thing to a Dr. w/out actually being one!) Did I mention she can write prescriptions!? :)
I'll post a pic or two when I get home tonight.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I've been sitting here trying to write a blog for like 30 minutes and everytime I start I erase it. I think I have blogger's block! More later (I hope).

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


I have a sad story that is on my mind all the time. Several of you know my Cousin who I'm very close to. Well, he has 3 cousin's on his mom's side. Lindsay, Adam, and Ali. They're all 3 younger than me but when I was little Lindsay and Adam would always be around at ball games and such, and we'd play together and see each other from time to time. Once I got older I really didn't see them but around town once in a while. We're not close at all, but we're acquaintances. 5 years ago Adam and his girlfriend had a little girl, Adriana. They were both teenagers. Adam joined the Navy and for reasons I really don't know, the little girl's mother wasn't around. So Adriana (Nana as the family calls her) was raised by her grandparents and her aunts Lindsay and Ali.

2 years ago Deb (her grandmother) noticed a strange lump on Nana's leg. They took her to the doctor and found out she had cancer. She had to do the whole chemo thing, lost her hair, etc. She was in and out of the hospital for a good 6 months. But every time I have seen this little girl, she's always smiling. She's such a cutie. She went into remission and last October Make-A-Wish sent her to Disney World. Here's a photo that ran in the newspaper.
Well a couple weeks ago Deb noticed a new lump so they took her to the doctor and they were told that Nana only has about 6 wks to live. I can not begin to fathom such news. The thought of what this family is going through makes me sick to my stomach. Like I said I barely know these people but when I heard that I just couldn't stand it. They said another one of her wishes was to sing the national anthem at a ballgame. Well, my uncle is the softball coach at Cowley and last I heard he was going to arrange it so she could sing at one of the softball games. Her aunt Ali is a senior in high school and right now they are just hoping she makes it until Ali graduates.
I didn't write this to depress everyone. I just thought sending up a few more prayers couldn't hurt. And also to remind everyone that has kids (which is most of you) to be so very very thankful that they are healthy.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Mayhem in Monett

Happy Cinco de Mayo everyone!

Well, we went to Missouri Saturday to see Dustin's grandparents, dad, and brother. Whenever we go over, we usually take turns driving, but Dustin usually ends up driving more than I do. I really don't like driving as much as I used to. I feel like the older I get, the worse I get at driving. I would rather not do it if I don't have to. But I said I would drive over there on Saturday, and he could drive back on Sunday. It's about a 3 hour trip. Saturday was a good day, we got to visit w/his grandparents (they're a hoot) and play w/his brothers kids. Here's a couple pics of them playing in the back yard.

Later that evening we went to a really cool bar and hung out w/Davey and Michelle, Dustin's brother and sister-in-law. Later Dustin's dad and his girlfriend showed up. Here's a couple snapshots of everyone....notice how everyone is having a good time, feeling good....everything's great.
We had talked about going w/Dustin's grandpa to the casino on Sunday before we went home. He's a regular over there and you know how much I love the casino. So I was looking forward to that. Anyway, Saturday night we headed back to our motel (after stopping for a wee bit of Taco Bell), and we retired to bed.

6 a.m Sunday morning - I'm woken up by a light coming on and Dusty saying "Thanks for coming to help me while I was in there dying." This poor man woke up SO sick. He started throwing up at 6am and did not stop until somewhere around 10 am. He had a fever and was shaking so bad from the chills. I went to the gas station next door and got him some water and Ibuprofen for the fever. When I came back he had turned on the heater because he was so cold. I swear it had to be like 95 degrees in that room. I put so many blankets on top of him (even the motel comforter that everyone knows not to use because they never wash them). He couldn't stop shaking and he was jolting about. I had to take off half my clothes because it's like a sauna in this little motel room w/no ventilation. He takes his Ibuprofen and throws it up about 5 minutes later. I put these two miniature trash cans by the bed and for the next 4 hours he throws up about every 10 to 15 minutes. He was miserable and I felt so bad cause I couldn't do anything to help him. At one point in between puke sessions he asked me if I poisoned him, then he said he would rather be dead than feel like this, and later wondered if it was his brain tumor (which he's certain he has because he goes to anytime he sneezes and always comes away convinced he has a tumor, mono, or recently an anyurism!) Finally about 10 am he began to feel slightly better. There was nothing left in his system to throw up I guess. After he took a shower and laid back down, I took out my camera and said "I'm sorry honey but this will make for good blog fodder" and I snapped his picture.
And then this one of the trash can just for good measure. :)

So we're not sure if he had the flu or food poisoning or what but it was terrible. And he's pretty sure it will be a long while before he can eat Taco Bell again. I was worried about how he would handle the drive back but he was a trooper and as the day went on he felt much better. I later told him I thought it was all a plot to make me drive both ways!!