Gotta love Oprah
I just finished watching the repeat Oprah that had Randy Pausch, the professor who is dying of pancreatic cancer. If you haven't heard of him, he has 3 children under 5 and has been told he has months to live. He gave an awesome speech about living life to his students, it was shown all over youtube and became such a phenomenon that he was on Oprah. He gave the speech again on Oprah. Of course I'm bawling my eyes out. He just tells it how it is and makes you realize how stupid it is to worry about petty things and how you should live each day like it's your last. Everything that deep down we all know we should be doing, but don't. If you get a chance to watch in on youtube, you totally should.
They did a story on him on Primetime. I too bawled like a baby. Live like you were dying. So true.
And btw - I'm proud of you posting all on your own without the help of the "blog nazi."
I aim to please :)
I saw this originally on youtube a month or two ago. I know people who have read his book. What a sad but beautiful story, and what a legacy he will leave his kids.
I saw him on Primetime awhile back. I need to get his book. He is so brave, and the love he has for his family is awesome. Did you see a few weeks back... I think it was on the Today show or GMA or something... he spoke at the graduation of the college he teaches/taught at... can't remember the name of it. Anyway... upon completion of his speech, he picked up his wife and carried her away. Way cool, and so special. Of course gave her a great big kiss too. :)
Okay, I'm OVER Oprah. Come on sister. The blog nazi is BACK!
He died yesterday. ;o(
why do you even have a blog???
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